These days, it’s much eas­ier to keep my obses­sive ten­den­cies in check. I’m not sure how that hap­pened — prob­a­bly just the nat­ural process of feel­ing more con­tent and level with each pass­ing year. What­ever the rea­son, it feels nice. How­ever, there are two obses­sions that I make no qualms about not keep­ing in check…because they make me happy. One, obvi­ously, is writ­ing and record­ing music. The other is film. Lots and lots of film.

Mov­ing to LA turned out to be a very good thing. In addi­tion to relaunch­ing Bleed­ing Skull, I started work­ing on a book with my friend Dan, and also con­tributed to Cine­fam­ily’s monthly cal­en­dars. And the screenings…I saw every­thing from The Gold Rush to Shad­ows to Breath­less to Brew­ster McCloud to Black Devil Doll From Hell to Play­time to Man­hat­tan to The Leg­end Of Bil­lie Jean on the big screen. Plus, I met Elliott Gould. He said that I reminded him of Bud Cort in M*A*S*H. I think it was a compliment.

For the last seven years, I’ve kept a spread­sheet of every movie that I watch. This is fun in a strict nov­elty sense, but also kind of beau­ti­ful as a diary of life. I can look back at any month of any year and see exactly what I was going on, all thanks to the movies. At the end of each year, I make a list of the films that enhanced and inspired some aspect of my life. This year, I’ve decided to share it with you.

So, here it is: a list of the ten most enjoy­able films that I expe­ri­enced for the first time in 2010, in the order that they were viewed. Linked titles lead to reviews on Bleed­ing Skull.

Sev­en­teen (Joel DeMott & Jeff Kreines, 1983)
The Beaver Tril­ogy (Trent Har­ris, 1979–84)
The Last Of The Amer­i­can Hoboes (Titus Moede, 1967)
My Man God­frey (Gre­gory La Cava, 1936)
It Hap­pened One Night (Frank Capra, 1934)
Kenny & Com­pany (Don Coscarelli, 1976)
The Zodiac Killer (Tom Han­son, 1971)
I Love You Again (W.S. Van Dyke, 1940)
The Iron Rose (Jean Rollin, 1973)
Times Square (Allan Moyle, 1980)

Plus: All of the Lau­rel & Hardy films. (I couldn’t pick just one.)

Plus, again: Happy hol­i­days. Truly.