This is a photo of me, record­ing in the garage that I share with my kind neigh­bor. He’s doesn’t mind when I play the drums.

Speak­ing of which, the third Beau­jo­lais album (proper) is now nearly 3/4 com­plete. I’m let­ting it develop nat­u­rally. Hence, the process is tak­ing me a bit longer, but that’s what feels good right now. I’ve writ­ten approx­i­mately 30 songs since the com­ple­tion of Admi­ra­tions and 12 will appear on this album.

What else?

I’m excit­edly writ­ing a lot about film — for myself and oth­ers. I’m unem­ployed. And I’m try­ing to take in every­thing that Los Ange­les has to offer.