I’m lis­ten­ing to Les fris­son des vam­pires by Acan­thus. It’s the sound­track to Jean Rollin’s 1971 film of the same name. Before that, I was lis­ten­ing to Joe Meek’s The Alchemist Of Pop. And even before that, you might have heard The Breed­ers’ Title TK seep­ing out of my open apart­ment win­dow, if you hap­pened to walk by. These albums have noth­ing to do with today’s release of Moeurs. That’s just the music I’ve been hit­ting pretty hard over the past two weeks. And I know that I’d be inter­ested in chat­ting with Acan­thus, Joe Meek, or Kim Deal about what they were lis­ten­ing to on the day they released their own albums. I bet Joe was lis­ten­ing to Buddy Holly.

Moeurs is now avail­able, from me, via the magic of Band­camp. As the week pro­gresses, it’ll be show­ing up on iTunes, Ama­zon, and any­where else that: 1. Is awe­some, and 2. Offers dig­i­tal down­loads. I’ll update the “DISCOGRAPHY” page with links as that happens.

Acan­thus is now com­pletely rock­ing out to a “song” called “Vio­lent Library”. I’m smiling.